About my header

My shed is my header by my son Darrell, He painted the Robin for me and said that it reminded him of me. Because Robins use other birds nest and if there is an egg in it, they will take care of it just like its their own. He said thats what I do, I have always taken care of others in need of a home when I come across someone in need. Isnt that Sweet, I had told him I wanted a bird and this is the one he chose. Robins have solid blue eggs which are the symbols for him and his brothers and the speckled egg are the others I have taken into my home. It was very touching to me because he researched his piece, He is a true artist and has lots of great jobs. my neighbor had hers done to

Monday, July 9, 2012

My new grandson

2:54!!! 19.5in 7lb 3oz


  1. Congratulations! He looks perfect! Great, healthy weight too!

  2. Congrats! Looking at him reminds me of when my little ones where that little. Oh why do they grow up so fast?

    1. They smell good and so so soft ! thank you . I posted a new picture of one that grew so fast, he is gandma's lap baby, we stitch together..

    2. This painting on my header was done by my oldest Son, Darrell, The story is a mother Robin and he feels it represents how he saw me as a child, always taking care of everyone including people or children they brought home, Because if you look up the details on the life of the Robin, it explains the process she takes with her eggs. Its a sweet story that touched my heart. He is an Artist on YardSalecustomart on FB. Thank you, I am collecting some work to post more.

  3. he's precious! congratulations!
